Recall regulations, standards, policies, and procedures related to health, safety, and nutrition in early childhood settings.


Self-Evaluation of Preparedness to Meet and Apply Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Rationale. The rationale for this assignment is to help you evaluate your preparedness to meet and apply the lessons and skills from the Course Learning Outcomes from this course.
Part of being an educational professional is the ability to do a self-evaluation of your professional skills and preparedness. At one point in your career, you will more than likely be asked to do a self-evaluation of your skills and knowledge in your performance and field by your preschool director, principal, or your boss. Self-evaluation leads to increased learning and self-confidence.
This course has been created with five Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) to help prepare you as an early childhood education professional to do work in the field.
CLO #1. Identify health, safety, and environmental risks in early care and education programs.
CLO #2. Design strategies to maximize the mental and physical health of children and adults in early care and education programs in accordance with culturally, linguistically, and developmentally sound practice.
CLO #3. Recall regulations, standards, policies, and procedures related to health, safety, and nutrition in early childhood settings.
CLO #4. Plan nutritious meals and snacks based on the nutritional needs of children of various ages.
CLO #5. Describe strategies for collaboration with families and the community in support of healthy and safe environments for children.
Overview. In this final assignment, you willsubmit a report on a self-evaluation of your:
level of preparation for meeting the goals of these CLOs
effort in completing lessons to learn these CLOs
examples of how you will apply the skills you learned from these CLOs in your own early childhood environment to demonstrate your mastery of the CLOs
self-confidence for mastering these CLOs
Method. Submit a written report on your self-evaluation of your preparedness to meet and apply the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) from this course.
Use the template to write a 250-500 word reflection to provide specific examples regarding your preparedness to meet the CLOs by answering these questions:
Part 1: Self-evaluation
Do you believe you have met the goals of each CLO?
On a scale of one to ten, where one is the lowest rating and ten is the highest rating, how would you rate your efforts in completing the assignments and discussions that were created to help you meet the goals of each CLO?
On a scale of one to ten, where one is the lowest rating and ten is the highest rating, how would you rate your self-confidence level for meeting each of the CLOs?
Part 2: Application
How will you apply the skills and strategies you learned from this CLO #1 in your own early childhood environment?
How will you apply the skills and strategies you learned from this CLO #2 in your own early childhood environment?
How will you apply the skills and strategies you learned from this CLO #3 in your own early childhood environment?
How will you apply the skills and strategies you learned from this CLO #4 in your own early childhood environment?
How will you apply the skills and strategies you learned from this CLO #5 in your own early childhood environment?
Write your initial post using the first-person point of view (I, we, our, my, us).
Use the resources below to help you ace your discussion assignment.
Use the free app to automatically double-check your spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and spacing.
Use at least one paraphrased in-text citation formatted in APA 7th style to support your claims for each part of the report.
Include an APA-formatted Reference list for only the sources you used as in-text citations.
Put the Reference list on its own page at the end of your report.
Submit your report before 11:59 PM on the last day of this course.
Template Final Assignment .doc
APA Cheat Sheet
APA References Guide
Annotated Reference List Sample
Discover How to Ace Your Written Assignments
Writing Resources Cheat Sheet
If you have time, review The 10 NAEYC program standards(National Associaton for the Education of Young Children, n.d.).
National Associaton for the Education of Young Children. (n.d.). The 10 NAEYC program standards.
Photo attribution: Wanqij, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

PART 2————-

AB 1207 – California Child Care Providers: Mandated Reporter Training
According to the Office of Child Abuse Prevention (n.d.):
“It is estimated that five children die each day in this country as a result of child abuse and neglect.
In California, certain professionals are required to report known or suspected child abuse.
Physicians, nurses, teachers, volunteers, law enforcement, and other mandated reporters have the opportunity to spot child abuse and neglect and stop it in its tracks” (para. 1 & 2).
AB 1207 Mandated Reporter Training
Duration 5 minutes, 31 seconds
NOTE: This online training takes approximately three to seven hours and there are TWO PARTS.
As of December 2018, everyone must complete the general training as a prerequisite to participate in the Child Care Providers training. The good news is that the general training only needs to be completed one time, and you will not have to repeat or renew it the next time your mandated reporter training is renewed.
Child Care Law Centers argue that all child care providers “must first take the ‘General Training Module’ and then the ‘Child Care Professionals’ training [because taking] both sections of the training meet the requirement under AB-1207” (2015, p. 1).

For this assignment, you will participate in the FREE online training and earn a certificate that you will submit for credit.
NOTE: Your certificate must specifically state “Child Care Providers (AB1207)” on it to qualify since that is what Licensing requires.
Part 1: Complete the prerequisite General Training (if necessary). NOTE: You will only need to complete the General Training once in your life. You can skip Part 1 if you already completed General Training in the past.
Part 2: Everybody must complete the Child Care Providers (AB1207) training and take the exam online. Use this link to get to the online training. NOTE: There are several mandated reporter training options offered. Make sure you select the Child Care Providers training.
Be sure the name you register is the same as what is on the roster for this class.
The system will email you a certificate after you complete the General Training and the Child Care Providers (AB1207) training segments.
Only submit a copy of your Child Care Providers (AB1207) certificate. Avoid sending me a copy of the General Training certificate because it does not meet licensing requirements to satisfy the AB-1207 regulations.
Upload the Child Care Providers (AB1207) certificate by the assignment due date by clicking on the blue “Submit Assignment” button located at the top right of this screen, finding your jpeg or PDF copy of your Child Care Providers (AB1207) file on your computer, and clicking submit.
NOTE: Some of you may have already completed this training for work or in another course. If so, then congratulations! You may simply upload your Child Care Providers (AB1207) certificate to satisfy the requirements for this assignment. To do so, your certificate must meet the following criteria to qualify for credit for this assignment:
Contain these exact words: “Child Care Providers (AB1207)”.
Have a Date of Completion dated on or prior to December 15, 2024
Be issued in your name that matches the name on the roster for this class
Contain a unique and authentic Certificate Number issued by the CDSS.
**Certificates will be verified for originality before a grade is given
Child Care Law Center. (2015). Know the law about new training requirements for California child care providers regarding mandated child abuse reporting. Law-About-New-Training-Requirements-For-California-Child-Care-Providers-Regarding-Mandated-Child- Abuse-Reporting-.pdf
The Office of Child Abuse Prevention. (n.d.) About the program.
Photo attribution: TraumaAndDissociation, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


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