Business and Economics-Describe best practices for creating a social media policy for an organization. What should be included in the policy? Are we allowed to control comments about our company?

Write a 3-page executive summary about best practices, risks, and other considerations to take into account when creating a social media policy for a small trucking company. You will highlight three main bullet points at the end of the summary that you would use to discuss the social media policy issues with stakeholders. Changes in … Read more

According to recent news reports, Global Power Tools has allegedly refused to hire women and people with disabilities for a wide variety of positions despite some applicants’ superior qualifications.

Threaded Discussion Question: Read the Global Power Tools Welcome Message. Global Power Tools has made the headlines again! According to recent news reports, Global Power Tools has allegedly refused to hire women and people with disabilities for a wide variety of positions despite some applicants’ superior qualifications. At issue are Global Power Tools’ store and … Read more

Explain the level of accessibility to general data necessary to examine the chosen business topic, problem, or opportunity

  Introduction This course revolves around the creation of a single, significant capstone project which “caps off” your learning. For your capstone, you will either work with a real company through the Riipen platform or choose a real company (one you work for or select) to analyze in a way that demonstrates your understanding of … Read more

Comparative Finance and Financial Services-As a consultant you have been asked to prepare a report that will be presented at a global gathering of leading banks and economic advisors.

As a consultant you have been asked to prepare a report that will be presented at a global gathering of leading banks and economic advisors. Drawing upon a range of real-life examples and deep research, your report should address the following: 1. The challenges that traditional banks face and the possible strategic responses these banks … Read more

Identify a topic that you would enjoy researching. This can be a topic from your work, your college major, or just something that you find interesting. It should be a topic that has been studied by academic researchers. Otherwise, the library might not have any resources on it.

In this team discussion, you will practice the research techniques discussed in the M2.2 module notes in order to gain experience finding high-quality sources in the Excelsior Library and online. You will also compare the value of these two ways of searching. Step 1: Identify a topic that you would enjoy researching. This can be … Read more

Modern American History-discuss what you currently know about its historic roots.

For this assignment, please select a current issue in the United States that you would like to learn more about. Some examples of current issues might be abortion rights, police brutality, mass shootings, immigration restrictions (choose this one), voting rules, alleged election fraud, the COVID-19 pandemic, or climate change. Write a short paper (250-300 words) … Read more

Business and Economics-Give at least one in-text citation that will go on your final reference list that would help a reader learn more details about this organization.

OPS week 2 Organization Selection Part 1: Organization Selection For your first Portfolio Milestone, decide on the organization that you will cover in your Portfolio Project. Name and briefly describe an organization of your choice, including its mission. The organization may be your workplace, an organization that you are familiar with, or an organization discovered … Read more

Describe the initial data present, information processed, knowledge utilized, and wisdom extant in the situation. Explain any actions taken or decisions made.

Analytics Guy, Developing Understanding using the DIKW Pyramid [Video file]. YouTube. . Analytics Guy, DIKW Pyramid Illustration with Sample Data [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved from site. After viewing the videos:Reflect on a personal experience, or one you observed in your work environment, in which DIKW components were present. The scenario may relate to clinical, leadership, educational, or informatics practice, with environmental … Read more

Comprehensive Study Guide-Write 5 original multiple choice questions that include the correct answers and rationale for the correct answer

In each course, students will develop a comprehensive study guide that relates to the BACB test-content outline items that are covered in the course. Rationale: The purpose of this Capstone component is for students to develop a portfolio that will serve as a study guide when studying for the BACB exam. At 4 points during … Read more