Links to Health Policy Events for this Week
Explore more recent Harvard School of Public Health Forums.
The topic for the forum is ( Inside Boston’s drive for health equity: A Q&A with Bisola Ojikutu)
Health Policy Event Log Template
1. Details of the event
• Name, date, sponsor, length, and link to the event
• Names of participants and their titles
2. Brief summary of the event discussion (200–400 words)
3. Descriiption of how this event relates to the current week’s topic (100–200 words)
4. Analysis of the health policy issue and its implications for health care (500–750 words). Use the following headings and address these questions in your analysis. (You are likely to have to research some of these questions, because they may not be discussed in the forum.)
• What is the key policy issue being discussed?
• Who are the stakeholders/organizations taking a position on the policy?
• What are the politics of the policy? (How are the government, stakeholders, and political parties involved, if at all?)
Please note that all events must have a health policy focus and be relevant to the week’s topics. Events that have primarily a clinical focus are not acceptable. Because events must be relevant to current health policy issues, they should have taken place within the past 2 years. If you have questions about the topic of an event or are interested in one that is older than 2 years, check with your instructor first to make sure the event meets the criteria for this assignment.
Policy Log Guidelines
As a way of demonstrating completion of this course requirement, you must submit, in writing, a policy log that details certain aspects of each event. Please refer to the Grading Rubric for this assignment.
Each event log should be 2–3 double-spaced pages of text.
Provide only a brief summary of the topic being discussed (200-400 words).
Your analysis section should be 500 to 750 words and be the most developed component of the report. Do NOT repeat what participants say in this section. The analysis should include new information that goes beyond what was discussed in the event by the participants. You will need to research the key policy being discussed at the event. Your analysis should integrate course content and readings. Reference at least two sources, with at least one source from the learning materials in this course. Other sources may include scholarly sources, health policy reports, or recent media articles.
The Commonwealth Fund (2024). How public health and the health care system can work together to improve lives.
The Commonwealth Fund (2017). Reducing racial and ethnic disparities in access to care: Has the affordable care act made a difference?
The Commonwealth Fund (2018). Why even healthy low-income people have greater health risks than higher-income people.
Harvard School Public Health Lectures
Select the United States Health Policy course link.
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Open Session 7.2: US Public Health Policy.
Watch the videos in Topics 1–8 under Session 7.2.
Topic 1: What Do We Mean by “Public Health”?
Topic 2: A Brief History of Public Health and its Key Achievements
Topic 3: What Does Public Health Tell Us About Causes of Death and Illness?
Topic 4: Social Determinants of Health
Topic 5: Racial and Ethnic Disparities and Inequities in Health and Health Care
Topic 6: Who Does Public Health in the U.S.?
Topic 7: Public Health and the Affordable Care Act
Topic 8: New Directions in the Public Health in the U.S.
The High Cost of Racism: Inequality, the Economy, and Public Health (1:04:44 minutes)
The High Cost of Racism: Inequality, the Economy, and Public Health Video Transcriipt
US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Healthy People 2030
Last Completed Projects
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