Health and Medicine-Critically understand the contemporary themes that influence mental health nursing.

“The Role of Social Media on Adolescents Mental Health and Self-Harm Behaviours:

A Systematic Analysis” Write a 5225-word journal (Literature Review) review article using a quantitative survey of 40 peer-reviewed articles from 2014-2024 (half from the UK, if possible). Include citations and references at the end of the paper. Please do not use a website, as this must be evidence from academic peer-reviewed sources and avoid using articles reviewing other articles.

Your article review should provide a comprehensive foundation on the topic, explain the current state of knowledge, highlight the main methodologies and research techniques and identify gaps in existing studies for potential future research. You will also consider the relationship of substances and co-morbidities to mental health care. You should critically appraise the research literature using appropriate critical appraisal tools. You are expected to critically appraise at least 40 articles. To meet these learning outcomes

1. Critically understand the contemporary themes that influence mental health nursing.

2. Selectively apply appropriate research methodologies to an area of interest.

3. Produce a journal article to a publishable academic standard.

4. Critically understand the relationship of substances and comorbidities to mental health care. Follow this structure: Title: “The Role of Social Media on Adolescents Mental Health and Self-Harm Behaviours: A Systematic Analysis” ABSTRACT (150-200 words) Keywords: mental health, substances and comorbidities, social media, self-harm and young people (include whichever is appropriate).

Introduction: Provides more detailed background/contextual information to introduce the topic, including a basic description of key themes, terms and processes that will aid understanding of the rest of the article. The Introduction should also define the aims and scope of the article and briefly outline which subtopics will be discussed. This section should be written as continuous prose and should be supported with references, and figures (or other display items) if appropriate. Specific research findings would not usually be discussed in significant depth in the Introduction. (Approx: 300 – 400 words) Main Text: The central part of the review, which is usually divided into several subsections with appropriate topic-specific headings, should provide a detailed discussion of research findings relevant to the overall topic, with an adequate description of the methodologies, results and conclusions of individual research papers. Related research papers should be discussed together/under the same subheading, and these links should be made clear to readers to form a coherent narrative.

Throughout, the significance of research findings in the broader context of the research topic being reviewed should be highlighted, and the author should aim to critically appraise the strengths and weaknesses of individual papers rather than just laying out facts. All subsections should be independently introduced and concluded, and the text should be fully supported with references.

Care should be taken to cite the original article reporting a specific finding, and the overall discussion should be balanced. Figures, tables and other display items should be used to aid understanding and break up long sections of text. (Approx: 4000 – 4500 words) 1. Background 2. Methods Data analysis 3. Results 4. Discussion Limitations Funding statement (No funding) 5. Conclusions (350 – 400 words) Rounds up the article by providing a summary of central themes and take-home messages.

It should provide the author’s perspectives on future research in the field, key challenges and outstanding questions. Usually written as continuous prose. Supporting references might be included. (Approx: 350 – 400 words) Acknowledgements (will do this) References (at least 40) Appendix A: A table summarising key information for each of the articles appraised. This must be your own understanding, and not copy and paste parts of the assignment.

Source Purpose Population Methodology Findings Limitations Relevance Appendix B: synthesis matrix that summarises how your review has been structured. Synthesis Matrix TOPIC: Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Theme A Theme B Theme C Theme D Appendix C: Three examples of critical appraisals undertaken using a critical appraisal tool (SURE), two qualitative and one quantitative. Specialist Unit for Review Evidence (SURE) Questions to assist with the critical appraisal of a systematic

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