Explanation about pathogensAn excellent comparison between the structures of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells and viruses including your own diagrams 3.1• An excellent explanation of how pathogens enter the body 3.2• How the four types of pathogen cause disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi and protists) 3.3Understand the cause and transmission of different pathogens.3.1. Compare the structure of bacteria and viruses with that of eukaryotic cells.3.2. Explain how pathogens can enter the body.3.3.
Explain how pathogens cause disease in the body.consistently demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge appropriately in a given context showing depth of knowledge in responding to the demands of the unit,withb. a excellent understanding and use of: facts, theories, ideas• Excellent understanding of the contributions of scientists to the prevention of disease• Excellent explanation of the roles of the innate and tertiary adaptive immune responses• Excellent comparison of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells and viruses•
Excellent explanation of how pathogens enter the body and cause diseasea. consistently demonstrates an ability in selecting and using skills as required by the unit, withb. excellent levels of reasoning, focus, insight.Contextualisation• Excellent levels of reasoning and analysis in explanations.• Information included is consistently relevant• Explanations are consistently concise and focussed•
Explanations demonstrate an excellent level of insight into the materialb. demonstrates autonomy and/or independence evidenced by an excellent ability to plan, organise and complete work; conduct research; manage time.c. consistently adheres to academic and/or professional conventions in use of technical/specialist language and/or format in responding to the instructions set out in the assignment brief.Contextualisation• Work shows evidence of excellent planning and organisation.•
You have consistently made effective use of time• Work demonstrates excellent independent research• Technical and specialist terminology is consistently used correctly• Appropriate academic writing tone is consistently maintained• Referencing is consistently correct.
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