WEEK 3 Discussion Reflection Response – Ethical Dilemma (south Universyty)

  After reviewing The Invisible Patients documentary, provide a reflection post addressing each of the four following questions: How is the NP in the documentary a Disruptive Innovator? Discuss at least one relationship between your personal beliefs and values with this ethical dilemma/barrier. Describe at least one mechanism to overcome the barrier discussed. Examine the … Read more

Introduction to Respiratory Care: Final Paper instructions

  1. Describe all credentialing certifications within the field of Respiratory Care (these specialty certifications were discussed in the last forum). 2. After describing all 5 specialties, choose two or three credentials that you find particularly interesting and describe why you are interested in the specific credentials you have chosen. 3. Describe how these certifications … Read more

rebuttal 300 words

Solitary confinement is presented as a measure to keep inmates and staff safe, but when we look beyond the surface, it becomes clear that solitary is more than just restrictive—it’s damaging. The conditions and the mental toll solitary confinement takes on inmates are difficult to justify, especially when we consider that it is meant to … Read more

What other thoughts do you have about the topic? Include any other information or ideas you think are important.

Write at 500-word response for each article. Choose two (up to 5 points each, up to 10 points total on your final course grade). Prompt: What was title or topic? Who was the author(s)/presenter(s)? What was the purpose? What was the main argument/idea? What do you think were the most important points/details/ideas presented? Do you … Read more

Discuss how your formative and summative assessments check for student mastery.

All assessments should align with standards, objectives, and learning activities. Assessments interact with instruction to deliver an effective learning experience. Teachers need an assortment of formative assessments to check for learning during instruction and summative assessments to check for mastery. In their assessment planning, teachers understand that when students are involved in the assessment/feedback process, … Read more

Develop the characters, themes, and plot, as well as focus on engaging your readers. A complete plot should have a fully developed beginning, middle and end.

The Stories are provided below for example of what is needed and instructions are provided as well. Preceding the End of the World, even though fictional, explores the experiences of the crossings and translations people make in their minds and language as they move from one country to another, especially when there’s no going back; … Read more

Drones for Package Delivery-Write the conclusion for the group essay. Conclusion: Summarizes what the Report has achieved in terms of understanding the problem and pointing the way to a solution.

Write the conclusion for the group essay. Conclusion: Summarizes what the Report has achieved in terms of understanding the problem and pointing the way to a solution. Estimates what is likely to actually happen in the area being researched. Attached is the prompt and our essay (not completed yet for ethcial, recommendations part).

Explain how you would use social media and online job search technology to maximize presentation of the job description and reach a broader share of potential recruits.

Part 1 Assignment: Job Description Analysis In 2–3 pages, include the following: Explain the role of the nurse executive in developing job descriptions and why it represents an essential human resource management function. Analyze the job description you have selected as the focus of your Assignment. Include the source of the job description and critique … Read more

Describe how each source supports your topic. Briefly summarize each source. State why the source is credible. State how the source is relevant to your research question.

Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Conduct research for specific writing situations Integrate qualified evidence from research into one’s own writing Articulate an evidence-based position in a written communication Overview Persuasive essays are a staple of writing. A persuasive essay has multiple goals. One is to demonstrate certain … Read more