What should be the qualifications for such jobs, keeping in mind what you have learned about the kinds of programs they might be working with? What should you, as the corrections commissioner, do to encourage the recruitment of quality officers?

You are the corrections commissioner in the State of Euphoria. The Office of Probation, Parole and Correctional Alternatives has just been merged into your department. The office has never had any qualifications or required training for the community supervision officers that it hires. You suspect that political patronage has traditionally been the key to getting … Read more

Social Sciences-Describe the search strategy for identifying relevant literature. – Discuss the data extraction process. –

Write the detaild methodology for systematic review including prisma and data extraction tables n details also include : Detail the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies. – Describe the search strategy for identifying relevant literature. – Discuss the data extraction process. – May include details on the quality assessment of included studies.

What are the changes in these scholarly approaches over time? Why these changes happened (if any?)

The essay should be 2500 words. Now the question has not been decided yet so the writer has the advantage of SLIGHTLY modifying the question that  am going to give. The question is: ‘How have scholars approached the themes of race, sexuality, class and gender in ancient Greek literature’ If it is easier for the … Read more