Write a paper on ” Texas Association of Business V. Federal Trade Commission” case (non-compete agreement ) We already did a presentation on it and my part was economic impact here is my script: (Non-compete agreements protect significant business investments, especially in training and intellectual property. According to Mr. Smith, Chief Officer at Ryan LLC, ‘Non-competes are vital for maintaining competitiveness, particularly in industries like technology and healthcare.’ While the FTC projected benefits like a $524 annual wage increase per worker and $194 billion in healthcare savings over a decade, these figures overlook the broader economic harm to businesses. Non-competes encourage businesses to invest in their employees. For instance, Treasury data shows that stricter enforcement increases the likelihood of firm-sponsored training by 2.4%. Without these agreements, companies might hesitate to train employees, fearing they’ll lose them to competitors. The FTC also claimed a 2.7% annual rise in new businesses, adding 8,500 startups. However, as Mr. Smith noted, ‘This ignores the risks to established businesses, which could face destabilization and reduced competitiveness.’ States like California thrive without strong non-competes, but this model doesn’t fit all industries or regions.) we had an interview with Mr. Smith he’s the CEO of Ryan LLC and I attached a document of the interview. We use a few resources but I can add more: •Federal Trade Commission. (2023). FTC issues final rule to ban noncompete clauses. Retrieved from https://www.ftc.gov
Ryan LLC v. FTC, 2024 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 148488, __ F.Supp.3d __ (United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas DivisionAugust20, 2024, Filed). https://advance-lexis-com.leo.lib.unomaha.edu/api/document?collection=cases&id=urn%3acontentItem%3a6CSF-VBT3-RRPX-T3MS-00000-00&context=1519360&identityprofileid=KHXKH351645. Ryan LLC v. FTC, No. 3:24-CV-00986-E, 2024 BL 289600 (N.D. Tex. Aug. 20, 2024) •Sarah Lynch. (May 30, 2024 Thursday). FTC’s Noncompete Ban Leaves Small Businesses Unfazed. Inc.com. https://advance-lexis-com.leo.lib.unomaha.edu/api/document?collection=news&id=urn%3acontentItem%3a6C50-M9W1-DYHW-N111-00000-00&context=1519360&identityprofileid=KHXKH351645. https://home.treasury.gov•U.S.Government Accountability Office. (2023, September). Noncompeteagreements: Use is widespread to protect businesses’ stated interests,restricts job mobility, and may affect wages (GAO-23-103785). https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-103785
Here’s the instructions for my part: (•Giveactual dataNumbersStatisticsMonetary value
Thiscan be determined from
Legislative history
The Caselaw (court ruling)
Interviews with business entities
Interviews with Administrative Agencies
Secondary research).
So we’re standing agaist banning non-compete agreements.
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