Identify a Case Study organization (this could be your own organization or an organization with which you are familiar through previous experience, or through your readings, other secondary sources, etc.).
For your Case Study organization identify an ‘issue’ (e.g. a problem, challenge, opportunity, etc.) that the organization has faced or faces (e.g. diversity and inclusion in HR, sustainability in its business operations, implementation of new technology, innovation and creativity, etc.). This can be in any area of its business, e.g.
finance, marketing, human resources, strategy, innovation, leadership, etc., etc. Your task is to show how the issue you have identified was managed/might be managed/led effectively using topics selected from three of the classes. The organisation is Tesla, the issue is Managing rapid growth and innovation.
1. The rational leader – topics: rational choice models/bounded rationality 2. Strategic human resource management – topics: Talent acquisition and development/ performance management 3. Organisational culture – topics: Open communication/ innovation culture You will not be assessed on the number of topics you have chosen (you could in effect have only three topics, one from each class) but on how well you have used the topics to make sense of the issue, i.e., it is about quality rather than quantity. Your assignment should include the following two parts. Part 1: Implementation Plan (60 per cent) You should describe an Implementation Plan which discusses: (1) why you have chosen the the topics from the three classes; (2) how the topics you have chosen helped/could help with the effective management and leadership of the issue that you have identified; (3) what the value-added for stakeholders was/would be. Part 2: Critical Analysis (40 per cent) You should include a critical analysis in terms of: (1) the challenges faced in the implementation of the plan;
(2) how the identified challenges were/could be addressed; and (3) how you would know (e.g. measure) if it had made any difference to your Case Study organization. You are advised to split the word count proportionately between the two parts 2100/1400 Assessment Criteria The assessment of the assignment will be based on the following criteria: Knowledge of relevant topics, as indicated by your breadth and depth of coverage (20 per cent); Understanding of relevant topics, as indicated by the quality of your arguments (20 per cent); Application, as indicated by your proposed strategy for their implementation (20 per cent); Critical Analysis, as indicated by the implementation challenges you have identified, how you would overcome these challenges using relevant theories and research evidence, and how you would know if your proposal had made any difference to the business (40 percent).
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